…love all my haircuts. Life is simply too short to get upset about a too short bang, uneven sideburns. That’s what hair paste is for.
…do more coloring, and give my left brain a rest, in an effort to create neural connections and expand my creative horizons. My coloured pencils are sharpened.
…eat more veggies and good-for-me fiber foods, and more of the green ones. Not just orange. A couple different bags are in the crisper. Will try smoothies.
…stay in bed all night and get proper rest, no more running on empty going to sleep in the wee hours, then rising a few hours later. Good reads are downloaded, or on the nightstand.
…get up or sit down quietly, no more of that groaning and heavy exhaling. A few exercises have been added to my regimen to strengthen my core and legs.
What are some of your resolutions and how do you plan on making them happen?
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